Wednesday, December 31, 2014

JMeter SetUp

JMeter is a Performance measuring tool for web application. We can create different number of virtual user(Thread) to access the web application and track the performance result of the response on different number of user and after analysis the report we can determine the loop holes, problem, limitation or threshold value of the application .

We can go deep later,In this post we only try to setup JMeter.

Step 1:Install Java

JMeter  basically a Java application so we need to install Java.we can only install JRE(Java Runtime Environment) but to use the full feature of JMeter we need to install JDK(Java development Kit).
We can download it from here  .

JDK comes with JRE so we donot need to download or install JRE separately.

Step 2:Download JMeter

Download JMeter form here .

Step 3:Install JMeter

 After completion of download we extract it.After extraction it looks like below

There is no installation file to install JMeter.So we donot need to install anything.

Step 4:Run JMeter

There is multiple option to run JMeter.

1. Go to bin folder and double click on jmeter.bat(for Windows system)
2. Go to bin folder and double click on ApacheJMeter.jar
3. Open command window and go to the apache bin folder and type the below command with appropriate parameter .
e.g :- 
jmeter -n -t testPlan.jmx - l log.jtl 
java -jar  ApacheJMeter.jar  -n -t testPlan.jmx - l log.jtl

Give complete path of ApacheJMeter.jar path if environment variable is not set.

We can get the details list of option for JMeter in cmd mode After typing jmeter -h in cmd

 or  type this command
java -jar ApacheJMeter.jar -h in command window